Jungheinrich forklifts trucks accept the challenge on the road

Jungheinrich forklifts trucks accept the challenge on the road

Automotive innovation Roadshow moving to Gulf coast, to the famous seaboard of Toronto before visiting to the West Coast

One of the biggest american distributors of Jungheinrich machines, Caterpillar Forklift America has declared its aspiration to launch the 2017-2018 Jungheinrich Driving Roadshow. The heavy-loaded brand trailers is going to leave Houston with the aim to take a cross-country trip, heading to the Eastern seabord of United States and Canada and Midwest further on before heading to West Coast and back to its base in Texas.

To spice the typical promotional event up, Jungheinrich will enable operators to expierence their new material handling vehicles, Stacker Jungheinrich EJD 220, classic forklift Jungheinrich EFG 320, the older model of Jungheinrich ETV 216 reach truck and brand new electric counterbalanced forklifts included. Furthermore, participants will manage to take the Jungheinrich challenge which implies all customers will learn what high customer standarts brand itself sets.

“Over the Innovation Roadshow we are going to present all the customers will have a unique opportunity to feel the difference between really energy-efficient electric lift trucks and classic warehouse machines such as reach truck Jungheinrich ETV 214, Jungheinrich TFG 320 front forklift, Jungheinrich efg vac 25 4-wheel forklift and others” – told Kent Eudy, vice president of company’s sales and marketing department. “The innovation of using 2 shifts on one battery charge will help to cut costs and may become a complete game changer in the industry”.

The brand new EGC 220 electric truck is equipped with multiple advantages which enable to reduce energy consumption and improved operator comfort. To find out more about new Jungheinrich Innovation challenge and american product line updates, visit http://www.mfca.com.