Is the future of airport services doomed?


Airport provides the facility to take off and land the flights at its airfield. Airports have a very huge space to keep and store aircrafts in good shape. They have a control tower too. The main function is to control air fields, for example, management of air traffic and alerting service. Airports have landing area which is called runway, where the airplane lands and takes off. There are buildings also where control tower, terminals and hangers are based. Other buildings are for passengers where shops, restaurants, waiting areas, emergency service, luggage area and lounges are situated. Additional facilities of international airports are offices who deal in custom and passport control.

Airports offer different services for their passengers. Many airports with large areas have commercial outlets for their products. They are mostly international brands, located near the departure areas. They offer clothing of famous brands and designers. But they are highly priced than the shops outside the airport. Restaurants offer regional food and famous fast food chains especially for the passengers of the connecting flights. But the food is not always fresh. So, one can imagine is the future of airport services doomed?

Sometimes, the flights are delayed or even cancelled due to bad weather, rain, fog or snow fall or some other reason. Some passengers cannot tolerate the situation. So, they cancel their flights and prefer other ways of travelling. Some airlines have problems to deal with it. Airport security is a major service provided by the institution. This security procedure not only protects the passengers but also the country. Airport security checks the baggage and passengers by metal screening. There are rules not to allow anything which can be used as weapon. But because of long lines of passengers for checking and screening, people and luggage, a lot of time is wasted on it. There are hundreds of passengers waiting and getting miserable and impatient because of delays. Due to these problems, one may think is the future of airport services doomed? To solve this problem, scanning machines that give three dimensional images should be installed. Because these scanning machines alert in case of any threat, securities do not have to go through every bag. It will reduce the time of passengers and work load on security workers. Similarly, walk through scanners with high capacity sensors should be arranged. It will increase the standard of security and time management.

The airport services try to provide every facility and convenience to their passengers, but somehow, some problems and bad situations happen. Sometimes, the bad behavior of staff, or the lost luggage or dissatisfaction with a service can happen.

The noise of airplane also creates problem among people living in the areas near and around people. So, they are not allowed to build tall buildings within two miles of airport.