Find Out If the Vehicle Needs a Roadworthy Certificate

Roadworthy Certificate

A certificate for truck will ensure that the vehicle is safe to be used. The owner of the truck and his family and friends will be secure if it has the truck roadworthy certificate. The truck that is certified can be sold without any difficulties as a registered vehicle. The only thing that should be done is to display the safety certificate during the process and while selling the vehicle. A safety certificate covers all the basic things like brakes, tires suspension, steering as well as windscreen, lights and any type of damage.

Benefits of a safety certificate

  • It is designed so that the buyers are safe and new vehicles are registered safe to protect them from any uncertainties.
  • The users will be more cautious and there will hardly be any accidents and the number of unsafe vehicles will reduce.
  • The deaths due to crashes on the roads caused as a result of defective vehicles will reduce considerably.
  • The safety certificate is actually a document that is inspected by the inspection provider of the authorised truck. They give a report stating the condition of the truck and that it is likely to be driven on the roads.

Ways to obtain the certificate

To get a certificate of safety, one has to first display a roadworthy certificate of any vehicle, including truck as one has decided to sell the vehicle. This is a requirement for the entire unregistered vehicle that is second hand and for those vehicles that are registered but are interstate vehicles.

Roadworthy Certificate

Validity of the safety certificates

  • The motor dealers must be licensed who wishes to sell the vehicle. The certificate must be valid up to 3 months from the date the vehicle is issued.
  • The requirement for other dealers or motor sellers is that the certificate must be valid for 2 months from the date that the vehicle is issued.
  • The same safety certificate can be used for the registration of unregistered vehicle. The transfer of registration can be done within a specified period of time.
  • The safety certificate has to be obtained every time one sells the vehicle. This certificate can only be transferred once and not more than that.

What is certificate of inspection?

  • It is a scheme that has been adopted to inspect heavy vehicles. Since these vehicles are at high risk, such as trucks that travel long distances, they need to be periodically inspected. They are called certificate of inspection that is COI.
  • The COI vehicles may be carrying passengers and giving service to the public like buses and taxis.
  • The requirements of the vehicles are that it has to be inspected quite often. One should book inspections whether the vehicle is registered or unregistered.
  • It is very important to renew the certificate and see to it that one has the current COI.
  • It is a rule that unless the current certificate expires, the new certificate will not be in operation.
  • The certificate that is renewed will commence only from the date the vehicle was registered.
  • The owner of the vehicle can renew the same even after the expiry date, but he has to officially apply for an extension. The reasons can be mentioned which will be considered for the renewal.

What does failed inspection mean?

Heavy vehicles like trucks have to be inspected without fail. But then too, it sometimes happens that the truck fails to get the safety certificate for various reasons. If this happens, then it is possible to rectify the defect. The owner of the vehicle has to wait for few days and the certificate will be issued after a second inspection.

All these steps are necessary to be followed to incur safety on the roads and security to the members of the family.